(avery) #1

You also said that there are diseases which are a mixture of emotional
components and genetic susceptibility.


Could you explain this more clearly?
There are spirits that come to face certain tests. In order to avoid
allowing themselves to be led by materialism and to recall the spiritual
intention which brought them to incarnate, they use disease as a
reminder. In other words, disease is only activated if the spirit turns
away from the path which was previously drawn up, as if it were the
warning strip on the hard shoulder of the motorway, which serves to
warn the driver who is leaving his lane. Whereas other people in the
same circumstances would not develop a serious disease, the person
with susceptibility or genetic predisposition to a certain disease, has a
lower threshold of activation, in other words, an emotional stimulus of
smaller intensity is sufficient to activate the disease.

Well if, as you say, disease is caused either by emotional conflicts in
this life and in this case is resolved by the solution of the conflict, or in
the case of congenital diseases, if it concerns a purifying process and
the disease cannot be cured, I ask myself: Are the pharmacological
treatments which are currently used, for example for cancer, of any

The current treatments, that is to say, chemotherapy and
radiotherapy, try to eliminate the symptom, which is the cellular
proliferation, but do not stop the disease, because they do not get to
the root cause. By damaging the DNA, they generate very deep
cellular lesions which in many cases are permanent and cannot be
regenerated. It is difficult to understand how, if you believe that
cancer is caused by genetic alterations, you use the same agents
which provoke such alterations as a treatment for it.

Does this mean that medical drugs are bad?
Not all. But those which are aggressive are bad, because they cause
more damage than benefits. For example, anti-inflammatory,
corticosteroids and some immunomodulators can be useful at certain
times. Pharmacology, used correctly, can help both to recover health
in the cases in which the disease comes from this life, and is therefore
curable, and to alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life
in the diseases which cannot be cured.

And those who are cured of a cancer after a pharmacological

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