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If they are cured it is because they have resolved the emotional
problem which was the origin of it, or because in fact the disease was
benign, not because the symptom is eliminated, because if the
emotional or spiritual ill persists, the cancer will reappear, even if it is in
another area nearby, if the first affected tissue has been eradicated
from them.

What do you advise on a physical level to treat a cancer?
Frugal, vegetarian food and many vitamins. A lot of rest and
tranquillity, which allow the body to focus on eliminating the abnormal
cells and to use non-aggressive therapies, which do not attack the
organism, but help it to recover normality.

If as you say, the astral body is devitalised as a result of persistence in
ego-feelings and this in the long run causes physical disease, could
the astral body be energetically cleansed in order to improve health?

Yes. Through the carrying out of certain exercises (Yoga), by means of
the provision of energy channelled by another person (Reiki) or by
some bio-energy emitting apparatus, it is possible to drain the bad
fluids and to provide vitalised energy. The energy treatment acts
therapeutically at body energy level, contributing to the restoration of
energy flow, by means of draining used energy and the provision of
renewed energy to these areas. The bio-energy treatment contributes
to recovery from the disease and alleviation of the symptoms. But if the
ill person persists in his or her bad psychic habits, the imbalance in the
astral body will be produced again and therefore, the physical disease
will manifest itself again. For this reason it is necessary to approach
healing in a global way, spiritual, mental, energetic and physical.

Can you explain what “reiki” is?
Reiki is a method of natural healing that uses the universal vital energy,
which helps to heal diseases, physical and mental. Reiki is the name
given by the Japanese priest who rediscovered it and it means
universal vital energy. Although now it has become popular with this
name or the name of bioenergetics, the transmission of energies to
improve health has been used for thousands of years with various
names, such as magnetic pass or prana. It is the laying on of hands of
Jesus, the “healing grace”.

What is reiki based on?
The practice of reiki is based on the fact that human beings have the
ability to transmit energy, by means of their hands, with the purpose of
relieving or eliminating discomforts and diseases of the receivers, which

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