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may be themselves or another living being (human, animal or plant).
Reiki acts at astral body level, helping to eliminate energy blockages
caused by bad psychic habits, but also in the case of discomforts of
entirely physical origin such as trauma and poisoning, to reactivate the
energy flow in the damaged areas, helping to relieve the pains, and
accelerate the regenerative process of the tissue. Knowledge of the
constitution of the astral body, energy flows, chakras and the relations
between emotional problems and the physical area that is seen to be
affected helps to place the hands in the correct position so that the
energy flow is reactivated in the damaged areas.

But where does the healing energy come from? From the transmitter?
From the Universe?

The vital energy is found in all the corners of the Universe and the reiki
practitioner attempts to concentrate this energy and direct it towards
the person who needs it. Sometimes, if reiki practitioners are not able,
for some reason, to draw it from their surroundings, they can transfer
their own vital energy. Also it is necessary to consider that many
people count on the aid of specific spiritual beings which help them in
the transmission of energies, increasing their capacity enormously. I
should say here that the most conscious work is done by the spirits. The
reiki practitioner acts as an instrument so that the spirit therapists can
access the physical-energetic plane.

And for what reasons might we give out our own energy?
Over-exertion, lack of concentration, lack of relaxation, lack of will,
lack of interest in helping, bad psychic and physical habits. If this
occurs after a session of reiki, the practitioner will be depressed,
lacking in energy and may even reproduce some of the symptoms of
discomfort of the receiver.

What is needed to be able to practise reiki?
Look, the most important thing for reiki to work is the will of the
transmitter to help his fellow man, and a high vibratory level of the
astral body, which is obtained with the practice of love. Also the good
predisposition of the receiver to receive energy is important and this is
based on confidence and sincerity. If people are not predisposed to
receive the energy, because they do not think that it is possible or they
distrust the transmitter, or because they are not prepared to make
changes for love and to renounce egoism, their chakras will be closed
and however powerful the transmitter may be the energy will not
penetrate. It is similar to what happens with the radio, in order to be

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