(avery) #1

able to listen to a programme we must have a good transmitter with a
powerful signal, but we must also turn on the radio receiver and tune it
to the correct frequency. From then on, in the same way as with sport,
continual practice enables the capacity of energy transmission to
increase more and more and to be of greater vibration. The best
results are always obtained through the will of disinterested aid. In
addition, the cleansing at physical level contributes to the energy not
diminishing its vibration when it passes through the channel. This implies
a vegetarian diet, and the non-consumption of substances which are
harmful to the organism, such as alcohol, tobacco and any other type
of drug.

Is it true that, in order to be able to transmit energy, a master who is
initiated in reiki must have opened your chakras?

No. The transmission capacity depends on the evolutionary capacity
of the spirits, their will to help others and practise. The more
disinterestedly they act, the greater help they will have from the
spiritual world. The function of a teacher is to help the learners to
develop their potentialities, but they can also be self-taught. As in
sport, with practice capacity is increased. Besides, with the will to help
others, you will receive all the help that you need from the spiritual
world, since it is in the spiritual world where the authentic teachers of
transmission of energies are.

Well I have heard people speak about courses that exist where you
pay to acquire levels of reiki? What is your opinion about this?

That it is a business just like the papal bull of indulgences, which
promised you a place in heaven with a deed and everything in
exchange for money. If the first person to rediscover it (Usui) did it free,
why should those who came after him charge money for it? I repeat, it
is not necessary for anybody to initiate you in order to begin to do reiki,
and even less someone who requests money from you in return. No
matter how much pomp and reputation those “reiki masters” may
have, if they try to earn money in this way, they are not as elevated as
they claim to be. True masters do not charge for anything that does
not belong to them, but rather they are transmitters, nor do they call
themselves master, because they are humble. You have the example
of Jesus, who healed many people with energy and taught his
disciples to do it and he never charged anybody.

But in addition there are people who charge, not only for the courses,
but also for the sessions of reiki! What is your opinion about this?

What we are given free of charge, that is to say, universal energy,

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