(avery) #1

which is not the inheritance of anyone who transmits it, and which we
are allowed to use without being charged for it, must be given in the
same way. Those who charge for reiki can count on their own energy
and what they are able to gather from their surroundings with their
own effort. But they cannot expect help from spiritual beings of high
vibration because, to be in tune with them, you need a cleansing of
the heart and a disinterested will to help your fellow man. People who
charge for reiki no longer have a disinterested will, but are interested in
receiving economic gain from their practice.

Well, but many say that it is not to make money, but when dedicating
time for reiki this takes away remunerated work and they need to live
from something.

Then do not try to live from the transmission of energies. They can have
a remunerated job in another activity which serves to maintain them
economically and then practice reiki in their free time. It is a question
of will. But, in addition, it so happens that many of those who charge
for reiki do not just intend to maintain themselves, but to become rich
at its cost, because they have tariffs which rather than clean the aura,
clean the pockets of any unwary people who fall into their hands. As
Jesus himself said, “Give unto God what is God's and to Caesar what is
Caesar's”. If you need to maintain yourselves materially try to do so
with a material job, not with a spiritual job. Do not mix money with
spirituality because you will soil it. Or perhaps the spiritual guides
charge you for the help that they give you? So, if they do not do it,
follow their example and do not do it either. And if you believe that
you have a licence to charge because the capacity comes from you
yourselves, well that is what you will have - you will only count on your
own energy. Be clear about this “you can not serve God and
Mammon at the same time”, or translated into the present language, it
is not possible to serve love and egoism at the same time, because
they are antagonistic and incompatible concepts.

Also there are others who say that this is an interchange and, in
exchange for receiving energy, we have to give something in return,
either money or something else.

Then they are people who do not know or want to know unconditional
love, giving in exchange for nothing. They are not good examples to
follow, although they try externally to put on a spiritual appearance. If
this type of thing is not taken into account, in the end, the same will
happen with the spiritual resurgence movement as happened with
Christianity, that a few will set themselves up as extreme masters of
others and will begin to control and manipulate the teachings to satisfy

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