(avery) #1

their yearnings for wealth and power.

But then does paid reiki work or not?
It can work, but always with much poorer results than with unpaid reiki.
It depends on the will to help. In the majority of people, there will be a
mixture of feelings, the will to help others, and egoism, the wish to do it
in exchange for something. The good thing that is gained by feeling is
lost by interest. Be clear about one thing, egoism is not curative,
because it seeks to receive before giving. People who are indulged in
egoism cannot help others simply because they do not want to. They
must analyse if what they do is in order to help others or if they simply
want to use others to exalt themselves, or to resolve their material
needs or expectations. Why do you think that Jesus was such a good
transmitter of energy and could achieve such formidably powerful and
fast results which were considered miracles? Because he was a spirit
that had managed to feel unconditional love and the manifestation of
that love on the energy plane is the energy of high vibration, which
has the power to heal physical and spiritual wounds. Many would have
liked to be able to do what Jesus did, but they lacked what is essential,
that is, to love unconditionally, to renounce egoism, vanity, pride,
arrogance. Do you want to do what Jesus did? Then, stop passing the
plate whenever you do something for others. If Jesus had charged to
do what he did, he simply would not have been able to do it, because
he would not have been an elevated being nor would he have had
the assistance of elevated spirits.

Any final consideration with respect to disease and its meaning?
Yes, that disease is neither an inevitable destiny nor a punishment from
God, but rather it is a tool for spiritual growth. Diseases acquired (from
this life) come as a consequence of not knowing how to or wanting to
take on the tests that have to be lived through in that incarnation, or
because the spiritual interior has been repressed, by not acting or living
in accordance with feelings. In this case, physical disease acts like an
alarm for the internal disease which motivates people to change. In
the case of congenital or karmic diseases, their origins lie in the acts
performed in other lives. They are tests to eliminate accumulated
debts, in a process by means of which spirits transfer to the body the
psychic toxins which prevent them from rising towards a greater
degree of spiritual evolution.

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