(avery) #1


I have observed that, from time to time, when you explain a subject,
you end up relating it to what Jesus supposedly said on the matter.
Why do you do this?

I shall take advantage of the circumstances to answer another one of
your questions. Wasn’t it you who wanted to know the truth about
Jesus of Nazareth?

But you also know that about me?
Well yes.

Well since the subject has been brought up, I will ask the questions that
I have regarding Jesus of Nazareth. It interests me a great deal to know
who he really was and what his mission was on Earth, if he had one.

Go ahead, because 2000 years after his incarnation his message has
still not been understood properly.

What do you mean by this?
Well after him, a multitude of additions have been incorporated, as
though they were his own, which have progressively distorted the
meaning of the original message that he came to teach. As he would
have said, it is necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff, the
true from the false, in order to be able to understand his mission.

And what was his mission, what did he come to do?
He came to teach what the path of spiritual evolution is. To teach the
spiritual laws, placing special emphasis on teaching the law of love,
with his “love your neighbour as yourself, love your enemy”, in other
words, a message of unconditional love.

Was Jesus of Nazareth the same God incarnate or the son of God?
Jesus of Nazareth was the incarnation of a highly evolved spirit.

So he was not God incarnate then?
No, he was not God incarnate. But he never said that he was God. It
was others who came later who made that affirmation.

At least, he was the son of God?
Yes, as much the son of God as you are. The difference is that he was
conscious and the rest of the people are not.

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