(avery) #1

find someone who awakens their inner self, they feel very thankful to
that person and they want this to be noted. They think that they are
the ones who dazzle, when in fact it is the light of spiritual knowledge of
which they ought to be carriers that makes them reach people.
People begin to venerate them erroneously as if they were gods. If
these are people who still do not know egoism and its manifestations
very well and do not fight to overcome it in themselves, their ego
enlarges to the point where they believe themselves to be above
everything and everyone. And instead of serving others the opposite
happens. They want others to serve them, so that their followers
become like moral subjects or slaves, who obey them blindly, without
ever questioning any of their decisions and desires. And then, little by
little, the light goes out, the feelings disappear and the inspiration is
lost. In the absence of spiritual inspiration, egoism takes control of the
mind and, from then on the messages that they give are confusing
and contradictory. And the little truth that might be in their words is just
a confused recollection of what they once had and did not know how
to take care of, hidden by loads of falsehoods intended to justify the
glorification of their ego.

How can we distinguish between a true prophet and an impostor? In
other words, in your opinion what requirements should an authentic
prophet, spiritual guide or messenger fulfil?

Disincarnate spiritual guides help all spirits without any kind of
distinction. Authentic spirituality does not know boundaries or
differences of economy, race, religion, or of any other kind. Therefore,
it does not discriminate between rich and poor, white and black,
believers and non-believers, since these differences are only a
temporary and circumstantial condition of the incarnate, which
changes from one life to another. Those who are considered worthy to
spread the spiritual message have to act in the same way. Authentic
incarnate spiritual guides try to live their lives according to the spiritual
laws, without any show and with humility. They are willing to help and
to clarify without receiving anything in return. For this reason, all those
who try to receive economic, or any other kind of compensation for
revealing supposed spiritual truths cannot be considered true spiritual
guides, since there are no truths “only for subscribers”. Authentic
teachers respect free will, that is to say, they never try to impose their
criteria on others, but rather they preach by example and allow others
the freedom to take or leave what they are offered. Therefore, they
never make use of the principle of authority to justify themselves, in
other words, they will never say: “This is like this because I say so, for
that reason I am the teacher, the enlightened one or God’s

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