(avery) #1

representative”. The elevation of the message itself is sufficient to
convince those who are receptive. If that message does not interest
or does not convince other people, they have the free will to express
this and to freely follow their own path, without being forced or
compelled to believe or to admit something that they do not wish to.

Some advice on not allowing ourselves to be deceived by false
teachers or false spirituality?

Never renounce your will for a belief, whether this be a religion, a
political or philosophical ideology, however elevated it may seem,
because if this requires you to resign your will, to resign your freedom
for it, you can be sure that it is not worth it. Analyse the messages, do
not idolise the messenger. If the message does not convince you,
express your doubts and demand explanations, and if you still fail to
identify yourself with this message, then reject it. Do not accept
anything on faith alone, which requires you to believe without
understanding. What is not internalised through your own experience,
feeling, understanding, analysis, but rather becomes like an external
imposition that is not understood and is only respected through the
principle of authority - in other words, because somebody supposedly
divine says so - does not serve for evolving or being happier, because
the spirit is only happy in freedom. Therefore, reject blind faith, or states
which control and manipulate spirituality. Look for the answers in your
interior, which is much wiser than you think, because it has a direct
connection with your own spiritual guides, with superior spirituality.

Well there are many religions which consider that contact with spirits is
a thing of the devil and consider that seeking contact with spirits is
something pernicious and diabolic, since, according to them, the Bible
prohibits this kind of contact, and the Bible being the word of God, this
means that God Himself prohibits these contacts. What is your opinion
on this matter?

Accepting that all people have their own connection with superior
spirituality - let us call it God or spiritual guides - means that the
leadership and power of the ecclesiastical authorities are lost, and so
they are no longer able to direct the will of the faithful at will. They
contradict themselves, because if they consider that their sacred
writings are the word of God and that they have been written by
somebody inspired by God, this implies that those inspired people
have had some contact of a mediumistic nature with the spiritual
world, the same contact which they deny to their faithful and which is
reserved only for the authors of the past who wrote what they
venerate. Jesus and other advanced prophets sought that contact

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