(avery) #1

more concrete term, because it is the part of the subtle world that is
closest to the physical world.

I get the idea of what you are saying, but when you talk about the
astral world, what are you referring to exactly?

Each physical planet is connected to its corresponding energetic or
astral planet, which is superimposed on it but is larger in size than the
physical planet, although far more subtle in its nature. Let ́s say that if
the physical planet is the size of a coffee grain, the astral planet could
be equivalent to the size of a balloon, but of an energetic nature, the
coffee grain being at the centre of the balloon. The physical planet
could not exist without the astral planet, because that is what vitalizes it
energetically and maintains its structure and functioning. Within this
astral world, there are different vibratory levels or layers which differ in
density, the denser levels being closer to the surface of the physical
planet and the more subtle levels progressively further away from it.
Each one of them has its own geological structure and nature. There
are valleys, mountains, rivers, flora and fauna, although with
differences between them. Nature is more beautiful and perfect in the
more subtle layers than in the denser layers. We could say that nature
in the physical world is an unfinished reflection of the astral nature and
that everything that exists in the physical world has been previously
tried out in the astral world.

And is there life on that astral planet?
This astral globe or planet is full of life and is the home of spirits and
non-incarnate forms of life which are connected to planet Earth. It is
the origin of the majority of beings that are born and the destiny of
those that die in your physical world. When previously I have said that
when spirits disincarnate, they return to the spiritual world. What
normally happens is that the spirits are placed in one of those vibratory
levels of the astral planet, that corresponds to their energetic level,
which in turn depends on their spiritual level. We are now on one of
those levels and the nature that you see around you is specific to this
vibratory level.

You say that there are spirits living in the astral world and that they are
the ones that incarnate on Earth. I would like to know more about that
world and its inhabitants and also what it is that determines whether we
are placed on one level or another in the astral world after we die. Oh!
And explain to me outright what the superior and inferior astral refers
to, because you haven ́t done that yet!

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