(avery) #1

All right! As I have said previously, since there are spirits living on each
one of those vibratory bands of the astral world, they have also
created their own civilisation out of the natural elements. As the spirits
evolve, in other words, detach themselves from egoism and become
more loving, their behaviour in love makes them increase their
vibratory frequency, which allows them to ascend to the vibratory
planes which match their new evolutionary level. According to this law
of vibratory correspondence, the more advanced spirits that have a
more subtle nature, live in the more subtle vibratory regions which are
further away from the earth ́s surface, whereas as we descend to
progressively denser layers, we will encounter communities of less
advanced spirits, whose nature is denser. As a consequence of this,
civilisation is more perfect and advanced morally and technically in
the more subtle layers than in the denser layers. Although this is a
purely arbitrary division, we could group these different vibratory levels
into inferior, intermediate, and superior astral, as they increase in
vibration or diminish in density. The spirits from the superior astral are
now absolutely clear as to the destiny of the spirit and are in the phase
of conscious evolution. They focus all their will and effort on advancing
spiritually and helping other less evolved spirits to advance, although
these are often not conscious of the help they receive. That is basically
how they occupy their time.
On the inferior astral, there are less spiritually evolved spirits which may
be either still young, in a primitive state of evolution, or having already
lived many lives and having developed their intelligence, have still not
developed their feelings. On the intermediate astral, you will find spirits
with an intermediate level of advancement. This is where most
incarnate spirits from Earth end up after incarnating, although to get
here many have spent quite a long time in the inferior astral, having
been temporarily held back due to acts carried out against the law of
love while they were incarnate.

From what you are saying, the inferior astral could rank equally with
hell, the superior astral with heaven and the intermediate could
represent purgatory, is that right?

Rather, that the concepts of hell, purgatory, and heaven are a
completely distorted image of the spiritual reality that I am portraying,
to which they bear little resemblance. In effect, all the spirits that have
reached the superior astral were previously in the inferior astral and
passed through the intermediate astral. And if they got that far, it was
because, through their own personal merits, they were spiritually
progressing in love, thus increasing their vibratory level, and making
themselves worthy of living in the regions that they currently occupy.

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