(avery) #1

voice of conscience, the voice of feeling, which becomes clearer the
more evolved the spirit becomes. If you stopped to listen to it now and
again, you would receive many answers. But it has to be through your
own effort and will that you manage to get to know spiritual reality,
which is also your own reality. Hence the very old proverb that says:
“Know yourself and you will know the Universe.”

And in this way, are we not abandoned to our own fate, like small
children who are abandoned by their parents?

You are not abandoned. Your spirit guides are always there helping
you. They suggest the answers to you in a subtle way, when you have
questions that you sincerely don’t know how to resolve. But the trouble
is that most of you have so many fears and taboos inside you that it
becomes very complicated for your brothers and sisters from the
spiritual world to help you, because you don ́t accept answers that
don’t fit in with your prejudices and archetypes.

What do you mean?
Do you want an example? Take your attitude towards death.
Nowadays death is a taboo in western society. Each time a spirit
disincarnates, it is a real tragedy for the relatives and loved ones. And
why? Because you refuse to see all the evidence that is being given to
you about the survival of the spirit after death, simply because you
would have to change your current paradigm to explain it. When the
spirits that have passed to the other plane try to say goodbye to their
loved ones and calm them, manifesting themselves in some way, you
always have the tendency not to believe what you are living and
perceiving. Simply because you think it is not possible. Because it
doesn ́t fit in with your mental schemes and your mind makes you
believe that it is a hallucination caused by your state of shock. On the
one hand is the influence of Religion, which offers an explanation
about death and what happens afterwards, based on unlikely obtuse
dogmas rather than on evidence and real testimonies. Any kind of
contact with the spiritual world not supervised by religious leaders is
considered to be pure imagination, or, as happened in other eras, “is
the work of the devil”, causing fear regarding any kind of contact with
the beyond. On the other hand there is Materialistic Science that only
believes in what can be measured with its instruments. It refuses to
research this topic seriously, obstructing to the extreme the work of a
few brave researchers who have spent a lot of time with the terminally
ill and with patients who have lived through near death experiences
and have actually dared to take steps to try and lift the veil. The final
result is that the people who are going through that trance and their

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