(avery) #1

and memories, which contain within them encrypted spiritual aids that
help to see more clearly things that are so hard to see when in a state
of vigilance. That is why it is so important to sleep well in order to be
able to continue in high spirits, because when you don’t sleep, you are
prevented from having direct contact with the spiritual world and
receiving the help and encouragement that you need to face the
trials of the physical world.

So dreams are memories of astral travel?
Not always. Most of them are mental worries. But some of them are
vague memories of astral travel, many of them in symbolic code.

So dreams can be interpreted?
The ones that are a help from the spiritual world can be interpreted.
There are some common symbols for all of them. Normally in the actual
symbol itself lies the key for interpreting the dream. Bulls represent
material tests or temptations. Children represent feeling. Water
represents sensitivity. If it is clean, the sensitivity is also clean. If the water
is dirty it means that there is something dark within that sensitivity. It
could represent egoistic intentions. A house represents the spiritual
interior. If someone enters a house through a window and not through
the door, it means that they are not sincere, they are hiding something
or are trying to be manipulative. Walking along paths with more or less
difficulty, whether on foot or using a vehicle, normally represents the
spiritual road, and the obstacles on that road represent the trials that
you will come across. Ice cream can represent complacency. Falling
down represents feeling down emotionally, depression.

Yes, but what if you don’t know the meaning of each symbol?
You can learn to interpret them. Normally the key to interpretation
appears in the dream itself and you can sense whether the dream is
important or not and whether you have something to do with it. If you
don’t know how to interpret it, the spiritual world will give you the clues
that you need to do so. But first you need to have the willpower to look
deeply into yourself and in dreams you are given the willpower to help
you in that process.

Why is help given in code form and not directly?
So as not to interfere with your free will. You have to work on your own
evolution by yourself. Good mathematics teachers know that if they
really want their students to learn, they shouldn’t give them the
answers to the mathematical problems that they set straightaway, but
instead should help their students so that they solve them themselves,

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