(avery) #1

And could you explain what a medium is according to you?
Medium means channel. A medium is somebody who has a more
direct and evident contact with the spiritual world than the rest, as if
they had a fast Broadband (ADSL) Internet connection, whereas the
rest have a normal phone connection. For the majority, the existence
of the spiritual world beyond the physical world is not at all obvious,
because they hardly perceive what surrounds them and what their
physical senses are able to capture. But mediums have an additional
sensitivity, like a powerful aerial, which allows them to tune in to radio
stations that transmit at a different range of frequencies, which other
people cannot tune in to with their normal aerials.

But as I understand not all mediums are the same or have the same
capacities. Does that mean that there are different kinds of mediums?

Yes. You could classify them according to their manifestation or the
kind of contact they usually have with the spiritual world. In
accordance with this form of classification, we will find clairvoyant
mediums who can see spirits or the clairaudient medium who can hear
spirits. A transcribing medium receives messages from spirits through
writing, being conscious or not of what is written. An intuitive medium is
one who receives the messages directly in the mind, inspired by spirits.
Incorporating mediums allow their bodies and senses to be used by
disincarnate spirits, totally or partially, in order to be able to manifest
themselves on the physical plane, and recover control of their bodies
afterwards. A therapeutic medium channels energy from elevated
spirits with the intention of improving the vital state of an incarnate
spirit. A sensitive medium can perceive the spirits’ presence, their mood
and their messages but not through any of the physical senses. A seer is
a medium can perceive future or past events, etc., etc.

So mediums are privileged people compared to the rest of us, as they
have the advantage of being able to contact their guides more easily.

The innate gift of being a medium from birth is given to spirits that need
it under certain circumstances, so that they can use it to evolve faster,
as an instrument that must be used to help others, incarnate and
disincarnate. However most people, once they are incarnate, either
prefer not to have this capacity, because other people who don’t
have it don’t understand them, or else they use it for personal financial
gain. The ability to make contact is not exclusive to contacting spiritual
guides, but the spiritual world in general, and in this world not all of
them are good, just like in your world. There are spirits with different
grades of evolution and the channel is open to everyone, so that we
can receive positive and negative influences. Depending on how the

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