(avery) #1

The process of becoming incarnate

At the beginning we talked about what happens after death or
disincarnation, but I would like to know in greater detail what happens
before being born. How do we incarnate? In other words, if our spirit
already exists before birth, I understand that there must be a point
when our relationship with the body into which we are going to
incarnate starts. How and when is the spirit incorporated into the body
of the baby?

In general, the spirit that is going to incarnate usually starts visiting the
future family even before conception to stimulate the mother’s and
father’s desire to have children.
From the moment of conception, the spirit is connected to the recently
fertilised ovum and during gestation participates in the growth and
correct development. This connection between the body and the spirit
is not broken until the moment disincarnation occurs. During
pregnancy there is a progressive link-up between the astral body of
the incarnating spirit and the physical body of the baby in gestation.
The incarnating spirit starts to perceive everything that is done to the
foetus as well as whatever the mother senses and perceives. Although
connected to the body, the spirit still has quite a lot of freedom of
movement and still maintains contact with friends and guides from the
spiritual world. It is a transition period during which the spirit constantly
comes and goes from the spiritual to the physical world and vice
versa. During this time, the spirits that are going to incarnate prepare
themselves for birth, getting to know those who will be their future
parents and relatives in the physical world and saying goodbye to their
spiritual family. However, the incorporation of the spirit into the body of
the baby generally takes place at the moment of birth.

But there are many couples who don’t want to have children and an
incarnation takes place anyway. How does this happen?

By stimulating the sexual appetite of the parents and trying to make
them careless if they take contraceptive measures.

On the other hand, there are couples who do want to have children
and no matter how hard they try, no incarnation takes place.

Do you think that you control the incarnating process? Well, you are
mistaken. I have already told you that incarnation depends on the pre-
incarnation agreements between spirits. Sometimes people want to
have children and they can ́t, although there is no physical
impediment. However, on other occasions, when not trying for it,
conception takes place unintentionally. This is because the decision to

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