(avery) #1

incarnate in the physical world is taken in the spiritual world. Therefore,
although you could temporally prevent or delay the arrival of a spirit
into the world, you cannot force a spirit to come if the spiritual world
hasn ́t planned it or doesn’t consider it right according to spiritual
On the other hand, you should be much more sensitive regarding the
way you treat a baby during pregnancy, because a spirit that
perceives and feels everything, both the good and the bad, is now
connected to the foetus. How glad and happy incarnating spirits feel
when they sense that they are going to be received with love! But how
they suffer when they notice that they are not welcome or that they
are going to be hurt - such as when people try to abort the pregnancy!

But there are people who are in favour of aborting the pregnancy
because they consider that it is better for babies not to be born when
the parents don’t want them, or because they can’t raise them as they
should do, or because they will be born with some kind of
malformation. They think that, in those cases, these children would be
brought into the world to suffer.

So if babies are born and parents don ́t want to take care of them, for
these same reasons, would they think it lawful to abandon them or kill

No, of course not. It would be a crime, an inhuman act, to abandon or
kill a newborn baby.

So why is it considered a crime to do so after the baby has come out
of the womb and not when the baby is still inside the womb?

Well, I presume they are referring to abortion before the baby has been
formed, during the first months of pregnancy, when the foetus has still
not been formed.

So from what you are saying, the key to the question is deciding when
to draw the line between considering life in creation to be a group of
cells or a child. So do you mean that as long as it is considered a group
of cells it is lawful to abort and when the group of cells is considered to
be a child, you would have to seriously consider starting to respect that

I assume that it is something like that.
So according to this train of thought, when is the limit crossed between
considering the embryo to be a group of cells or a child? After ten
days, one month, three months, five months?

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