(avery) #1

Well I don’t know. I suppose that people will have their own ideas as to
when to consider it a child or not. Maybe before three months no and
after yes.

In fact those who are in favour of abortion follow the principle that
human life starts with birth and ends with death, and they are not sure
as to when to begin considering the being in formation as a human
being. That is why these same people are also in favour of euthanasia
in cases of people suffering from terminal illness or in cases of serious
incapacities, of not being able to move, etc. This occurs because they
have a materialistic concept of life. In other words, they only admit the
existence of physical life and identify human beings with the body that
they use to manifest themselves on the physical plane. For this reason,
from that point of view, during the first phases of pregnancy, when the
cells of the embryo are still not distinguished sufficiently to have
acquired the form of a baby, they don ́t consider it as a human being
and therefore have no objection to aborting the pregnancy. But from
the spiritual point of view, a body, whether it is a foetus, a child, or an
adult, without the spirit there is no life, because without the spiritual
principle life is not possible. Life is the life of the spirit and not of the
body within which the spirit incarnates. It is not the development of the
body that you should be focusing on, but rather on the moment when
the spirit is connected to the development of the embryo. That is when
it starts to have life which, as I have said, is from the moment of
conception. So from the moment that the spirit is connected to the
body, abortion is a violation of the liberty of the spirit that is going to

Yes, but I suppose it is very difficult for the incarnate mother to see
things from that perspective, bearing in mind the kind of beliefs that
exist in this world, which on the whole do not admit the existence of life
before birth.

In every human being and hence in every mother, there is an intuition
about how the incarnation process comes about, as every incarnate
being has lived through this process countless times. The voice of
conscience warns us that with abortion we are violating the free will of
the being that is going to incarnate.

Yes, but the mother also has the freedom to decide whether she wants
to have children or not.

Certainly. But if she really doesn ́t want to have children, then she
should take measures before the being that is going to incarnate
appears on the scene, in other words, by using contraceptive

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