(avery) #1

right to not have the child without this being considered an act against
the law of free will. Even so, the spiritual world always encourages life
to continue even though this life results from such a deplorable act as
rape. You should know that these circumstances are not usually a
coincidence. This could be something that the spirit confronts due to
an act carried out in other lives. In any case, it will be the mother who
must decide the option that is most appropriate for her.

In the latter case, that is to say, when babies in gestation present a
congenital illness, it is very different. An abortion for such a reason is not
justified from the spiritual point of view. From your materialistic point of
view, you think that the life of anyone with any type of congenital
illness is useless and is senseless suffering. But from the spiritual world
things are seen from another perspective. You should know that
behind those imperfect bodies exist spirits just like those that incarnate
in healthy bodies, and that the fact that those spirits cannot express
themselves in all their fullness in the physical world - through not
possessing an instrument appropriate to their capability - does not
mean that they do not feel and perceive the same as any other being
that is incarnate in a healthy body. They also learn from this
experience, which may have been their own choice. You should know
that spirits that incarnate in that situation do not do so by chance, but
rather it is a circumstance which, although may seem unbearable and
incomprehensible to you, can serve as a spiritual advancement both
for the incarnating spirit as well as the receiving family. Physical or
mental deficiency is a passing circumstance which will end once the
body is extinguished. But the feelings that are awakened and
strengthened through that experience, as much in one as in the others,
will endure as a spiritual achievement forever. Therefore, be aware
that in this case, by aborting in these circumstances, you are
interrupting a possibility of spiritual progress for one or several spirits.

So is it wrong to use techniques, such as the selection of ova,
spermatozoids or embryos, when they are used to avoid a congenital
illness in the new born baby, this being a circumstance chosen by the
spirit to advance and is a consequence of evil acts from other lives?

No, not at all. This is very different. The work of promoting the
prevention of illness or any other painful or adverse circumstance is
always positive. However, this should not be at the cost of generating
another even more painful circumstance. It is not the act of avoiding
the illness that should be censured, but rather the act against life. In the
previous case, in order to avoid a bad circumstance, that of suffering
illness, another bad circumstance is created, the elimination of a life. In

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