(avery) #1

Yes, I know the story. In the movies maybe the good ones win, but in
reality the bad ones always win in the end, because as the good ones
are pacific they are always massacred. History is full of such cases: the
first Christians, the Cathars...

Certainly, the indefinite prolongation of this conflict would cause
spiritual stagnation and great undeserved and futile suffering of the
group of loving spirits, because the egoistic group could boycott
indefinitely all their attempts at transformation. But this extremely
intense conflict won ́t be prolonged indefinitely. The two groups will
have to be separated in the end. Separation implies that one of the
groups has to leave the planet to incarnate on another or other
planets where conditions appropriate to the evolutionary level of those
loving spirits can be found. Your humanity is living through a process of
this kind, at the end of which a spiritual selection, such as that
described, will take place.

This reminds me of the final judgement of the biblical Apocalypse.
Does it have anything to do with that?

Let’s say that the final judgment that is mentioned in the Bible is a
personal interpretation of the author regarding some visions of the
probable future of the Earth where he glimpsed this process, and on
writing about it he captured it in this way, according to his capability.
Of course, the end of the cycle is not the end of the world, it is just the
end of a phase. Nor does the fact that you decide not to renounce
your egoism now, mean that this decision is final. You can change your
mind whenever you want and if you don’t make the most of this
opportunity, there will be another opportunity to do so later on.
Therefore, neither is it God who chooses “ the good ones to put them
on the right and the bad ones on the left”, but rather the choice
comes from you yourself. The spirit world gives the same opportunities
to everybody and you yourself choose what you want to do and in
what kind of world you wish to live, through your own free will.
Depending on your will and where you direct your effort, you will have
one thing or another. Those who wish to live in love will live in a world
based on love. Those who wish to live in egoism will live in a world
based on egoism, until they realise that living that way makes them
miserable and so they decide to change.

And which group will leave and which one will stay?
It depends. There are two options. If the number of spirits that have
been able to evolve is not enough to manage to put the planet on
the right path towards love, the planet as a whole won’t make the
evolutionary leap. It will maintain its current vibratory level,

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