(avery) #1

accommodating the spirits that didn’t make the evolutionary leap.
Those who did make the leap will be transferred to planets of greater
evolutionary level in order to incarnate there. So the Earth will continue
to be a third level planet which will continue to be inhabited by spirits
that didn’t want to renounce egoism, continually facing for thousands
of years the same kind of problems that they didn’t resolve before.
Meanwhile, the loving spirits that did want to renounce egoism will
incarnate on planets of a superior level, in accordance with the
evolutionary level that they have achieved for themselves. There they
will find other spirits that harmonise with their own inner self and where
they will be able to be happy - as they will find no opposition to the
manifestation of their love - where they will face more advanced
On the contrary, if the number of spirits that have managed to evolve
is sufficient for humanity to progress on the right track and operate
according to the spiritual laws, the entire planet will make the
evolutionary leap. The spirits that have managed to make that
evolutionary leap will be those that will remain on the planet, whilst
those that haven’t made it will be transferred to planets of the same
evolutionary level in order to incarnate there. This is the meaning of the
phrase that Jesus proclaimed during the sermon on the mount:
“Blessed are the meek, because they will inherit the Earth”.
This phrase cannot be understood without knowing about
reincarnation, the law of evolution and spiritual justice. How are the
meek going to possess the earth, when we are tired of seeing that it is
always the oppressors, the powerful, the violent people who end up
holding the power and control over the earth, whereas the meek, the
peacemakers, are always the ones who have to flee from conflicts, if
they don ́t wish to be massacred? The fact is that Jesus is talking
precisely about this selection process according to the evolutionary
level, which will lead to those spirits that have advanced in love and
peace (“the meek”) incarnating on Earth in the future. Meanwhile,
those that do not observe the law of love will be transferred or “exiled”,
so that they may incarnate on a planet more suited to their
evolutionary level.

How will the spirits that can ́t stay be transferred to other worlds?
It will be a gradual process. Those spirits that don ́t harmonise with the
vibratory level of the planet will stop incarnating on Earth after they die
and will incarnate on other planets with their same evolutionary level.
In the case that the planet moves up to a higher level, the rise in the
vibratory level will impede the spirits that have not reached that level
from being born in this world, having to incarnate in worlds that suit

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