(avery) #1

their vibratory level. From a certain moment on only children with a
minimal vibratory pattern will be born.

So we will have to wait until we die before being able to pass over to
another planet?

Normally yes, but not always. In the case of planetary catastrophes,
physically incarnate spirits are also allowed to be transferred with the
help of extraterrestrial civilisations that have sufficient technology to be
able to transport thousands of people from one planet to another. It is
similar to what you do when natural catastrophes take place in certain
regions of your planet, humanitarian aid missions are set up with the
aim of attending and evacuating the survivors from the affected

In the case where the evolutionary leap is not made, will the planet be
condemned to spiritual stagnation?

Absolutely not. Within a few thousand years, there will be another
similar opportunity to make the evolutionary leap. By then, most of the
spirits that are now egoistic will have lived through sufficient
experiences to have woken up to love, hence being able to make the
evolutionary leap that they didn’t want to make when they last had
the opportunity. These opportunities for collective advancement have
already occurred on Earth in the past. The last time those beings that
had managed to evolve sufficiently, on being a minority on your
planet, were the ones that had to be transferred to another more
advanced planet, while the Earth became the home of the spirits that
did not achieve this. That moment of geological changes was used to
advantage in order to carry out some massive planetary migrations
between planets which were experiencing the same circumstances.
Planet Earth remained as a refuge for the human contingents that had
not managed to make the evolutionary leap on their respective
planets of origin.

By this do you mean to say that many races on Earth are not from this
planet originally but come from other worlds?

That’s right. This is also a way of helping you to understand that you are
all brothers and sisters, as in many places in the Universe life develops
with very similar patterns to those on Earth, and races that come from
different planets can mingle and coexist as sister races because the
differences between them are minimal.

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