(avery) #1

That is rather hard for me to accept.
It is very normal, as there are many events from the past, from the
history of Mankind that you don’t know about. This is because the
historical records have been destroyed innumerable times by the rulers
of different eras with the intention that the people should remain
unaware of the history of past mistakes and unable to learn from them.
An ignorant nation is easier to manipulate. As the proverb says “Those
who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Nevertheless, if you look closely, you will see that in many cultures there
are ancestral traditions that have been transmitted orally, from
generation to generation, which claim that the origin of their people or
race is outside the Earth, in people who came from the stars.

Since you have talked about the great evolutionary leap that the Earth
may live through, I would like to know more about that supposed
wonderful future that awaits us, which I see as a very remote and quite
frankly Utopian possibility, given the distressing circumstances of the
planet and humanity at the moment.

But that future that you think is so unlikely is a reality on thousands of
millions of planets. And although the Earth and its humanity is in a pitiful
state right now, in a matter of a couple of centuries things can turn
around dramatically. Do you want an example? Compare the
technological level of humanity in the year 1800 with that of the same
humanity in the year 2000. The progress is really amazing. But if you
were able to go back 200 years to tell the humans of that era about it,
nobody would believe you. Imagine if humans were to apply the same
will and enthusiasm to spiritual advancement as they applied to
mental and material development. Right now the Earth is going
through a phase of spiritual awakening. When all those spirits that wish
to awaken have done so and actually start working on it, things will
change very fast.

Could you describe how the more evolved civilisations, those that
follow the law of love, actually live, to see if they can serve as a model
example for us?

I would be delighted. I will describe the civilisations that are just one or
two steps higher in evolution than yours, because it would be very
difficult for you to understand how civilisations that are much more
advanced live. Anyway, bear in mind that no civilisation is the same as
another. However, there are some things that they all have in common
and I will describe these things, because they refer to the spiritual part.
The most important thing of all is that these civilisations are aware of

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