(avery) #1

In many of your given explanations, you speak of free will as
something that is very important to respect.

That ́s right.

But what is free will exactly?
It is the capacity that all spirits have to decide for themselves what
they want to do.

And why is it so important to respect free will?
Because it is a fundamental spiritual law on which the spirit’s
evolutionary progress is based.

And what does the law of free will consist of?
It is a spiritual law that says that all spirits have the freedom to choose
their own destiny for themselves.

And why do you say that the spirit’s evolutionary progress is based on
free will?

Because spiritual progression is only real when it is chosen and
internalised through free will, in other words through the spirit’s free
choice, without any kind of coercion or imposition.

Why is that so?
Because if the progress were forced, once the form of coercion or
imposition disappeared, the spirits would go back to how they really
are and not how circumstances have obliged them to be.

But if it is a spiritual law, why isn ́t this law obeyed on Earth?
It is obeyed, as the spiritual laws are written within the essence of each
spirit. There is a force that drives the spirit to always search for
happiness and through that search the spirit evolves. Just as it is
impossible to be happy without love, no spirit can be truly happy
spiritually without being free. It is in the essence of the spirit to be so. If
God had wanted spirits not to be free, He would have programmed
their nature to be happy as slaves. However as it is totally the contrary,
that is to say, the spirit is miserable in slavery, whatever type of slavery
this may be, so we must conclude that the spirit has been created to
be free, and that is so on Earth as well as in the rest of the Universe.

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