Arabic: An Essential Grammar

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Form II

(a) II is causative: to cause someone to do something (transitive).

Iَعـِلـ َم

alima IIلـ َمََّعـ

allama imperf. لـ ُمُّيـ َعـَ yu


to know to teach (lit. cause someone to learn)

(b) II is intensifying or iterative: repeating the action (transitive).

Iَك َس َر kasara IIسـ َرَّ َك kassara imperf. س ُرَّ ُيـ َك yukassiru

to break to smash, to break into pieces

(c) II is declarative: to consider someone or something to be something,


Iَكـ َذ َب kad

aba IIذ َبََّكـ kad


aba imperf. ذ ُبَُّيـ َكـ yukad



to lie to consider someone a liar,

to disbelieve someone else

(d) II is denominative (forming verb from noun).

ِس َلا ٌح sila ̄h

un (noun) IIل َحََّس sallah

a imperf. ل ُحُّي َسَ yusallih


weapon to arm

Form III

III denotes an effort to do or achieve that which is expressed by the basic

form. Often it expresses an action directed at (or done together with)

someone else. Form III is mostly transitive.

I َكـ َتـب kataba IIIَكـا َتـ َب ka ̄taba imperf. ُيـ َكـا ِتـ ُب yuka ̄tibu

to write to correspond with somebody

Iَس َب َق sabaqa IIIَسا َب َق sa ̄baqa imperf. ُي َس ِاب َق yusa ̄biqu

to precede to compete with, to race

Iَبَل َغ balag ̇a IIIَباَل َغ ba ̄lag ̇a imperf. ُي َباِل ُغ yuba ̄lig ̇u

to reach to exaggerate

Form IV

IV is prefixed with َأ /

a.../ which is elided in the imperfect tense.

(a) IV is causative: to cause someone to do the action (transitive).^119

verb forms,
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