Arabic: An Essential Grammar

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Chapter 33

Verbs with a weak final

radical, doubly weak verbs

and weak verbs with hamzah

33.1 Verbs with a weak final radical و /w/ or ي /y/ are called defective

verbs نا ِقصََّأْل ِف ْع ُل ل. The final weak radical appears as

alif (^) ا /a ̄/ or

u ̄rah (^) ى /a ̄/ in the basic verb form (perfect, third person masc. sing.)
upon combining with the personal ending. The defective verbs fall into
the following categories according to their vocalization.
33.2 If the final radical is و /w/, then the basic form (perfect, third
person masc. sing.) ends in

alif (^) ا... /...a ̄/ (contraction of...a-w-a),
and the imperfect (in most persons) ends in و.ُ .. /...u ̄/ (contraction
of...u-w-u), e.g.
33.3 If the final radical is ي /y/ and the middle radical has the vowel
kasrah /i/, then the basic form ends quite regularly in َي .ِ .. /...iya/, but
the imperfect ends in

alif maqs
u ̄rah (^) ى..َ. /...a ̄/ (contraction of ...a-y-u),
Perfect (3. masc. sing.) Imperfect (3. masc. sing.)
َد َعا (for: َد َع َو َي ْد ُعو

a ̄, to invite da

awa) yad

u ̄
َغ َزا (for: َغ َز َو َي ْغ ُزو
g ̇aza ̄, to raid g ̇azawa) yag ̇zu ̄
Perfect (3. masc. sing.) Imperfect (3. masc. sing.)
َل ِق َي َيْل َقى (for: َيْل َق ُي
laqiya, to meet yalqa ̄ yalqayu)

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