33.7 The passive of all verbs with a weak final radical و... /w/ or
ي... /y/ is conjugated according to the same pattern as the strong verbs,
33.8 The conjugation of the derived verb forms II–X of verbs with
a weak final radical و... /...w/ or ي... /...y/ is identical to that of the
derived verb forms of strong verbs. There is an exception with some
verbal nouns where the weak final radical after the
alif is changed to
hamzah, e.g. ِل َقا ٌء liqa ̄
un ‘meeting’ (for: ِل َقا ٌي liqa ̄yun) from the root
لقي lqy ‘to meet’.
See the pattern tables of verbs with a weak final radical و /w/ or ي /y/
and their conjugations in the appendices.
33.9 The declension of the active participle of verbs with a weak
final radical و... /w/ or ي... /y/ is illustrated below with the help of the
active participle َقا ٍض qa ̄d
in ‘judge’, from the verb َق َضى qad
a ̄ ‘to
judge’. It should be noted that the active participle has only two case
endings in the masculine singular: /...in/ for both the nominative and
genitive and /...an/ for the accusative:
Active Passive Passive
Perfect Perfect Imperfect
Ind. Subj. Juss.
َد َعا ُد ِع َي ُي ْد َعى ُي ْد َعى ُي ْد َع
a ̄, to invite du
iya yud
a ̄ yud
a ̄ yud
َل ِق َي ُل ِق َي ُيْل َقى ُيْل َقى ُيْل َق
laqiya, to meet luqiya yulqa ̄ yulqa ̄ yulqa
َر َمى ُر ِم َي ُي ْر َمى ُي ْر َمى ُي ْر َم
rama ̄, to throw rumiya yurma ̄ yurma ̄ yurma
َس َعى ُس ِع َي ُي ْس َعى ُي ْس َع ُي ْس َعى
a ̄, to strive su
iya yus
a ̄ yus
a ̄ yus
Verbs with
a weak final
weak verbs