Chapter 39
Conditional sentences
39.1 A conditional sentence contains two parts. The first part of the
conditional sentence expresses a condition or contingency. It is called
protasis and the Arabic term is ش ْر ُطَّ َأل, ‘the condition’. The second
part expresses the consequence or result of the condition and is called
apodosis, ش ْر ِطَّ َج َوا ُب ل , ‘the answer to the condition’.
39.2 Conditional sentences are mostly introduced by one of the three
conditional particles, which are ِإ ْن
in, ِإ َذا
a ̄ and َل ْو law, all meaning
‘if’. The following outlines the differences in their use.
39.3 ِإ ْن
in ‘if’, is followed by a verb in the perfect or imperfect jussive
(apocopatus). In the following examples the second part has the perfect
or imperfect jussive, e.g.
(b) The imperative can be used in the second part and must be pre-
ceded by َ فـ.., e.g.
in + perf. +
in + perf. +
in + imperf. jussive +
perf. imperf. jussive imperf. jussive
َيـ ْن َج ْح ِإ ْن َد َر َس َن َج َح ِإ ْن َد َر َس َي ْن َج ْحِإ ْن َي ْد ُر ْس
in darasa nag ̆ah
in darasa yang ̆ah
in yadrus yang ̆ah
If he studies, he succeeds (ORhe will succeed).
in + perf. +
in + imperf. jussive +
imperative imperative
ْذ َه ْبِإ ْن َذ َه َب َف ْذ َه ْبِإ ْن َي ْذ َه ْب َف
in d
ahaba fa-d
in yad
hab fa-d
If he goes, then you go! OR If he goes, then you should go!