plus a consonant (CV ̄C). No syllable can start with more than one
1a) The stress falls on the first long syllable counting from the end of
the word. However, the final syllable cannot itself carry the stress,
except when the word has only one syllable, e.g. yak-tu-bu ̄-na,
uq-tu-lu ̄, ka-tab-tum, ka-tab-tun-na, mam-la-ka-tun,
u ̄. (The hyphens here indicate syllable not morpheme junctures.)
1b) Another tradition holds that if the first long syllable is the fourth
syllable counting from the end or any syllable before that syllable,
then the third syllable counting from the end receives the stress,
e.g. mam-la-ka-tun.
- If there is no long syllable or if only the last syllable is long, the
first syllable receives the stress, e.g. ka-ta-ba, qa-ta-lu ̄, sa-ma-ka-
tun, sa-ma-ka-tu-hu-ma ̄. According to another tradition, in these
cases the stress cannot be retracted to an earlier position than the
third syllable counting from the end. E.g. sa-ma-ka-tun, sa-ma-ka-
tu-hu-ma ̄.
- The stress cannot normally fall on the definite article
al- or a
prefixed preposition or conjunction, e.g.
al-ya-du, ka-d
a ̄, wa-ra-
Note: The final short vowel or final syllable of certain word endings to be dealt
with later tend to be left out in pronunciation, especially in pausa (at the end
of a sentence). Yet the given stress rules still apply in most cases, if you bear in
mind that the final vowel or syllable has been lost. E.g. maf-hu ̄m(-un), mad-ra-
sa(-tun), sa-ma-ka(-tun), lub-na ̄-nı ̄ (lub-na ̄-niy-yun).
Read and practise your handwriting:
َسـ ِفـي ٍر ُحـ ُرو ٌف ِحـ َما ًرا َر َمى َكـ ِري ٌم
(1) h
uru ̄fun safı
- rin karı
- mun rama ̄ h
- mun rama ̄ h
ima ̄ran
letters ambassador generous to throw donkey
u ̄rah,
word stress