Arabic: An Essential Grammar

(backadmin) #1


a 169

absolute object 302

accusative case 18, 31, 47, 66, 70, 72,

of specification 304– 5
with numbers 260, 261, 263

active participle 160–1, 162, 202– 3

active verbs 128

ada ̄ 282, 284

a ̄da 291 – 2

adamu 173 – 4

adjectives 33–4, 46, 57, 72, 74, 145,

151, 154– 6
comparative/superlative 185, 186


a ̄fah constructions 64–6, 186– 7
interrogative 170– 1
patterns of formation 181–2, 185
relative 182– 4

adverbial clauses 303– 4

adverbial phrases 264–5, 302

adverbs 299– 302

agent (passive verbs) 129– 30



a 293

akt-aru 186

al see definite article


a ̄

id 203 – 4, 205

ala ̄ 53, 91

alif 2, 5, 21, 27, 40, 42, 135
maddah sign 28
miniature 22

alif hamzah see hamzah

alif maqs

u ̄rah 22, 72, 94

all 174– 5

alla ̄ 209


ı ̄ 201 – 4

alphabet table 2– 3

a ̄ma 264 – 5

an 209, 210, 211, 295

an 53, 91

anaphoric suffix pronoun 203–4, 205

anna 193, 194–5, 209, 284–5, 295,
annexation see


a ̄fah constructions
antecedent (relative clauses) 202,
apocopatus see jussive mood

aqallu 186
Arabic script, introduction 1– 4

asˇaddu 186
assertive particles 193– 5
assimilated verbs see weak verbs
assimilation 39–40, 225
auxiliary verbs 240–1, 290–3, 312

ayn 2, 7, 26, 40

ayyuha ̄ 171 – 2

ayyun 170 – 1

ba ̄

2, 5, 40


un 102
bayna 55, 93
bi... 53, 54, 293– 5

u 259
both 175– 7
bound prepositions 53
broken plurals 72, 144–6, 156,
181 – 2

calendars 274– 5
cardinal numbers 256– 62
cases 17–18; see also accusative,
genitive, nominative
Christian festivals 277
collective nouns 146– 7
comparative sentences 185– 6
compound numbers 259, 261, 263,
264 – 5
concessive particles 313– 14
conditional sentences 309– 14
conjugation paradigms (verbs)
328 – 49
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