Arabic: An Essential Grammar

(backadmin) #1

intransitive verbs 117, 118, 120,


Islamic calendar 274– 5

festivals 276

iyya ̄ 94

jussive mood 106, 212–13, 309

ka... 53


anna 193

ka ̄da 292

ka ̄f 3, 7, 40

kam 171

ka ̄na 237

as auxiliary verb 240–1, 312
and its sisters 195–6, 290– 3

kasrah 10, 13, 17, 18, 21, 27, 135

kay 209, 210

kila ̄ 175 – 7

kullun 174 – 5

la... 91, 92, 194, 311

la ̄ 110, 174, 196, 209, 212, 291, 310,

311, 312


alla 193

lada ̄ 55, 56, 91

la ̄kinna 193

lam 212, 213, 291

la ̄m 3, 8, 14, 39, 57

la ̄m-

alif 21, 34

lamma ̄ 212, 213

lan 209, 210, 310, 311

law 309, 311, 313

laysa 196, 290–1, 294, 310, 311

layta 193

letters see alphabetic table, writing

li... 53, 54, 56, 57, 91, 92, 170, 209,

210, 212, 213

long vowels 21– 2

lunar calendar 274–5, 276

ma ̄ 82, 110, 170, 196, 204–5, 213,

282, 291, 293, 294, 310, 311


a 53, 56, 91, 194–5, 313

ma ̄d

a ̄ 170

maddah sign 28

man 170, 204–5, 312

masculine nouns 46–8, 66, 71, 73,

153 – 4
with numbers 256– 62


dar 162 – 4, 211, 219– 20

mata ̄ 299 – 300

medial letters 1, 2–3, 27

millions 262– 3

mı ̄m 3, 8, 40

min 53, 91, 131, 185, 186, 264

alif 22
months of the year 274– 5
moods see imperative, jussive,
moon letters 40

u 53
Muslim festivals 276

nafsun 101
nationalities 182– 4
negation 82, 110, 172–4, 290
nisbah 102, 182– 4
nominal sentences 32, 33
nominative case 18, 31
cases 17–18, 31–2; see also
accusative, genitive, nominative
collective 146– 7
dual and plural 70–4, 144– 6
five nouns (


a ̄fah constructions)
gender 46– 8
indefinite forms 18, 31
negative 172– 4
of place, time and instrument
164 – 5, 219
with possessives 89
triptotes and diptotes 151–4, 156
verbal 162–4, 211, 219–20, 302
cardinal 256– 65
ordinal 269– 73
nu ̄n 3, 8, 40
nunation 18, 31, 151

objects of verbs 92, 94
only 173, 283– 4
ordinal numbers 269– 73
other(s) than 172, 173

participles 160–2, 202– 3
particles 52–3, 82, 94, 110, 194
assertive 193– 5
concessive 313– 14
conditional 309– 12
exceptive 282
interrogative 169
negative 82, 110, 174
subjunctive 209– 12
vocative 171– 2
passive participle 161–2, 203
passive verbs 128– 31
past progressive tense 241
past time see perfect tense^353

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