Arabic: An Essential Grammar

(backadmin) #1
percentages 273– 4
perfect tense 78–82, 128– 30
personal pronouns 79–80, 87–94,
99 – 100, 289– 90
pharyngealized consonants see
emphatic consonants
pluperfect tense 241
plural number 72–4, 144–6, 181–2,
positional variants of letters 1, 2–3, 27
to have 55–6, 91


a ̄fah constructions 61– 4
possessive pronouns 89
prepositions 53–7, 91–2, 185, 186,
188, 293– 5
primary prepositions 53– 4
interrogative 169–71, 204–5, 312
personal 79–80, 87–94, 99–100,
289 – 90
possessive 89
reciprocal/reflexive 101, 102
relative 201– 5
consonants 5– 8
hamzah 26
vowels 13– 14
word stress 22– 3
proper names 152– 3
punctuation 9

qabla 55, 188
qad 82, 110, 295, 310
qa ̄f 3, 7, 14, 40
qalla 293
qa ̄ma 293
quadrilateral verbs 115, 219–20,
335 – 6

ra ̄

2, 6, 14, 39
radicals (verbs) 79, 106–17, 115
hamzah 224 – 6, 250– 1
weak 231
rag ̇ma 313
reciprocal pronoun 102
reciprocal verbs 120
reflexive pronouns 101
reflexive verbs 120, 121– 2
relative adjectives 182– 4
relative clauses 201– 5
root (verbs) 79, 115

sa... 109, 310

a ̄d 2, 6, 14, 39, 122

sˇaddah 17, 39, 218
sanata 264 – 5

a ̄ra 196, 293
sˇarrun 186
sawfa 109, 310
seasons of the year 275– 6
secondary prepositions 55
separate personal pronouns 87– 8
short vowels 13– 14
sı ̄n 2, 6, 39
sˇı ̄n 2, 6, 39
siwa ̄ 282, 284
sound plurals 72–4, 89–90, 145, 146,
184, 260
stress in words 22– 3
strokes and dots 10
strong verbs 231
subjunctive mood 106, 209– 12
subordinating conjunctions 194–5,
209 – 10, 284–5, 295, 309, 313
suffix pronouns 88–94, 203–4, 205,
289 – 90
suku ̄n 17, 28, 39, 136
sun letters 39
superlative sentences 186– 8
syllable structure 22– 3

ta ̄

2, 5, 10, 39
ta ̄

marbu ̄t

ah 8, 46–7, 70, 183, 184

a ̄

2, 7, 14, 39
t-a ̄

2, 5, 10, 39
tamyı ̄z 304 – 5
tanwı ̄nun see nunation
telling the time 272
tenses 78
using auxiliary verbs 240–1, 290–3,
see also imperfect tense, perfect
there is/are 177
thousands 262, 263
time 272
transitive verbs 117– 22
transliteration of Arabic letters 2–3,
24 – 5
trilateral verbs 79, 115, 218– 19
triptotes 151–6, 181
t-umma 52

verbal nouns 162–4, 211, 219–20,
verbal sentences 33
verbs 78– 80
auxiliary 240–1, 290–3, 312

(^354) conjugation paradigms 328– 49

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