Arabic: An Essential Grammar

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Chapter 13


Dual and plural

13.1 Arabic nouns and adjectives are inflected for three numbers:

13.2 Dual

The dual is used for pairs, namely for two individuals or things of the

same kind or class, e.g. two boys, two girls, two hands, two books, etc.

The dual is formed by replacing the case endings of the singular form

with the following suffixes:

ـا ِن.َ .. /...a ̄ni/ for nominative

.. َ.ـ ْيـ ِن /...ayni/ for accusative and genitive

13.3 The final ta ̄

marbu ̄t

ah ـ ٌة.َ .., ٌة .َ .. in a singular noun becomes a

regular ...ـتـ.../...t.../ before dual endings, e.g.

singular ُم ْف َر ٌد mufradun dual ُم َثـ ّنًـى mut

annan plural َج ْم ٌع g ̆am


Singular (nom.) Dual (nom.) Dual (acc. and gen.)

َر ُج ٌل َر ُج َلا ِن َر ُجَلـ ْي ِن

rag ̆ulun, a man rag ̆ula ̄ni, two men rag ̆ulayni, two men

ِب ْن ٌت ِب ْن َتا ِن ِب ْن َت ْي ِن

bintun, a girl binta ̄ni, two girls bintayni, two girls

Singular Dual (nom.) Dual (acc. and gen.)

َمِلـ َكـ ٌة َمِلـ َكـ َتا ِن َمِلـ َكـ َتـ ْي ِن

malikatun, a queen malikata ̄ni malikatayni
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