Arabic: An Essential Grammar

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Chapter 15

Separate personal pronouns

and suffix pronouns

15.1 The separate personal pronouns ض َما ِئ ُر اْلـ ُم ْن َف ِصَل ُةَّ َأل are:

15.2 The separate personal pronouns have no case forms other than

the nominative. Hence they replace nominative nouns, e.g.

singular dual plural

  1. m. f. َأ َنا َن ْح ُن
    ana ̄, I (as in the plural) nah

nu, we

  1. m. َأ ْن َت َأ ْن ُت َما َأ ْن ُت ْم
    anta, you

antuma ̄, you two

antum, you

  1. f. َأ ْن ِت َأ ْن ُت َما نَّ َأ ْن ُت
    anti, you

antuma ̄, you two

antunna, you

  1. m. ُه َو ُه َما ُه ْم

huwa, he, it huma ̄, they two hum, they

  1. f. ِه َي ُه َما نَّ ُه

hiya, she, it huma ̄, they two hunna, they

Note: When dual or plural pronouns refer to mixed gender, the masculine predominates.

ر ُج ُل َط ِوي ٌلََّأل ُه َو َط ِوي ٌل

ar-rag ̆ulu t


  • lun. The man is tall. huwa t


  • lun. He is tall.

َأْل ِب ْن ُت َل ِطي َف ٌة ِه َي َل ِطي َف ٌة

al-bintu lat


  • fatun. The girl is kind. hiya lat


  • fatun. She is kind.

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