Basic Statistics

(Barry) #1


The odds ratio and the chi-square test are frequently used in analyzing biomedical
data. In particular, the chi-square test is widely used in data analysis since many of the
variables measured in biomedical or public health studies are categorical or nominal
data. The test is also widely available not only in statistical programs but also in some
spreadsheet and other programs. The test is very easy to do but users of the test often
do not put enough emphasis on explaining the results so that a reader can understand
what actually happened. Simply giving a P value is usually insufficient.

11.1 In a study of weight loss, two educational methods were tested to see if they
resulted in the same weight loss among the subjects. One method was called
the standard method since it involved lectures on both eating and exercise. In
addition to lectures, the experimental method included daily reporting of dietary
intake by e-mail followed by return comments the same day. After a 1-month
period, subjects were rated as to whether they met their goals for weight loss.


Goal Experimental Standard Total
Met 28 13 41
Not met 24 31 61
Total 52 50 102

Test whether the same proportion of the two treatment groups met their
goals for weight reduction.
Compute the relative risk of meeting their goals for the experimental and
the control groups.
Compute the odds ratio of meeting their goals for the two groups and give
95% confidence intervals.
In a casekontrol study, the investigators examined the medical records of the
last 100 consecutive patients who had been treated for colon cancer. A control
group of 100 patients from the same hospital who had been treated for abdominal
hernias was used for controls. Information on current smoking status was
obtained from the medical records. Of the 100 cases, 45 were current smokers
and 55 were not. Of the 100 controls, 26 were current smokers and 74 were
(a) Compute the odds ratio of having colon cancer based on smoking status.
(b) Multiply the number of controls by 2, so there are 200 controls, 52 of whom
smoke and 148 who do not smoke. Compute the same odds ratio as in (a).
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