Basic Statistics

(Barry) #1


Chapter 2

2.1 No answer.

2.2 No answer.

2.3 It may not appear to be random since there are more odd numbers than even
numbers and there were six odd numbers in a row. But the numbers in this table
are in a random order and this table has been carefully tested. What counts is
how the numbers were generated. No, you will not have equal numbers in the
two groups if 50 is the total sample size. Often when random assignment is
used, the sample size in the two treatment groups does not come out the same
unless a method of forcing the sample size to be equal is used.

2.4 The easiest to explain is a systematic sample. We have k = 180/25 = 7.2, so
pick a random number between 1 and 7, say 5. The instructions are starting
with the fifth student in the list; take every seventh student from there on. The
student numbers will be 5, 12, 19,26, 33, and so on. Note that 12 = 5 + 7 and
19 = 12 + 7. In other words, you keep adding 7 to the previous number.

2.5 No answer.

2.6 Would use a stratified sample. This would ensure having an adequate sample
size in each class.

2.7 First, sort the records of the cases by age and obtain the records of the women
who were < 50 years old at the time of diagnosis. One possibility is to chose
matched neighborhood controls. Each control would be within, say, 5 years of
age of the case and live in the same neighborhood. Hospital or friend controls
could also be used.

2.8 No answer.

Chapter 3

3.1 No answer.

3.2 No answer.

3.3 Have two professionals write out their results independently and then get to-
gether, compare results, and agree on an answer,

Chapter 4

4.1 The stem and leaf graph can be obtained from the following compilations:
There was no excess of 0’s or 5’s in the leaf columns.

4.2-4.7 No answers,

4.8 Expect the vertical bars to be of similar height.
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