Basic Statistics

(Barry) #1

straight line, 168
tests, 176
transformations, 183
Reject hypothesis, 109
Relative risk, 146
Residuals, 170
Risk factor, 4


Sample size

stratified, 15

two means, 11 1
two proportions, 136

case/control, 23
chunk samples, 21
economical, 20
experiments, 21
prospective studies, 23
random samples, 15
replacement, 19
simple random, 15, 17
surveys, 20
systematic, 16
Scatter diagram, 166
Sign test, 190
Skewed distributions, 77
Slope, 169
Spearman’s correlation, 198
Standard deviation, 52
Standard error of the mean, 85, 101
Stem and leaf, 36
Stevens’classification, 58
Student’s t distribution, 84
Student’s t test, 104
Summary of procedures for tests, 100
Surveys, 6
Survival analysis


Kaplan-Meier estimates, 212
censored data, 203
clinical life tables, 208
comparing groups, 215
cumulative death density, 205
death density, 204
hazard function, 207
regression, 216
survival functions, 207

time to event, 202
approximate t test, 121
correlation, 179
equality of mean, 103
equality of means paired data, 107
equality of means using pooled variance, 104
equality of two proportions, 134
equality of variances, 118
nonparametric, 190
one-sided, 99
proportions, 133
regression coefficients, 176
sample mean, 96
sign test, 190
single mean with s, 101
Wilcoxon rank sum test, 195
Wilcoxon signed ranks test, 192
regression, 183


Two-way frequency tables, 141
Two-way tables
chi-square for large tables, 158
components of chi-square, 160
confidence intervals, 149
continuity correction, 157
d.f. large tables, 159
Fisher’s exact test, 156
interpreting the results, 160
matched samples, 144
odds ratios, 147
relative risk, 146
sample size, 156
sample size for large tables, 161
single sample, 142
two samples, 143
Variables, 14
Variance, 53
test for equality, 118
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, 195
Wilcoxon rank sum test, 195
Wilcoxon signed ranks test, 192
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