Basic Statistics

(Barry) #1










Write out the goals for a public health or medical study that you would like to
do. What type of study will you use?
List two diseases that it would be possible to study with (a) a cross-sectional
survey, (b) a casekontrol study, (c) a prospective panel study, and (d) a clinical
For one of the diseases chosen in Problem 1.1 for a prospective panel study,
try to create a figure comparable to Figure 1.1 for a typical patient, estimating
actual years between the events.
Which type of study requires (a) a high incidence rate? (b) a high prevalence
proportion? (c) a high level of funding? (d) treatment under control of the
What types of diseases have high prevalence proportions relative to their inci-
dence rate?
State why a double-blind study is difficult to accomplish when two surgical
methods are being compared.
What type of study is often done when there is a low incidence rate and little


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