French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
e.g. Ils ont des attitudes différentes.
Note also: dernier bastion(line 7), in contrast to expressions of time viewed in relation to the
present: la semaine dernière, l’année dernière.
c Most adjectives which normally follow the noun may be placed before it instead for stylistic
effect or balance.
e.g. de lourdes charrettes de bois emplies à ras-bord(lines 24–5)
This position is favoured when the adjective expresses a value judgment about the noun, or
measures it.
e.g.banales lessives(lines 45–6); les innombrables vendeurs(lines 58–9)
See also Chapter 31, Highlighting and emphasis, p. 211, §2e
d Two adjectives which normally follow the noun are linked by et if each of them qualifies the
noun independently.
e.g. les ruelles sombres et étroites(line 27); sensation grisante et effrayante(lines 119–20)
However, if one of them modifies not just the noun itself, but the noun + another adjective(s),
then etis not used.
e.g. la poésie française contemporaine (contemporary French poetry)
The order of the adjectives following the noun is the reverse of the order in English.

Other points to note in the text

  • Pronominal verbs: s’abat sur nous (lines 8–9);se disputent la priorité (lines 17–18);s’élèvent
    (line 30);s’enfonçant dans le Gange (line 32);je me sens (line 60);je me hasarde à prendre
    (lines 64–5);ce qui s’offre à mes yeux (lines 68–9);nous nous aventurons (line 88);nous nous
    empressons (line 104) (see Chapter 20)

  • Relative pronouns: où(lines 4, 16,32) qui(lines 21, 50, 70, 114); ce que(line 56, 116); ce qui(line
    68); dont(lines 91, 112); que(line 103) (see Chapter 11)

  • Present participle and gerund: se tenant par la main (lines 22–3);poussant (line 23);s’enfonçant
    (line 32);slalomant (line 36);en attendant (line 75);en nous jaugeant (lines 84–5) (see Chapter

  • Passive:hélés ... par les innombrables vendeurs (lines 58–9);viennent d’être immergés (line 74);
    l’entrée est indiquée (lines 91–2);bousculés, emportés (line 97–8);nous sommes happés (lines
    108–9);je suis étonnée, perturbée (line 111) (see Chapter 21)

  • Present tense: many examples throughout the text. Note particularly the grave accent in the
    second syllable of: s’élèvent(line 30); idiomatic use of viennent d’être immergés(line 74) (see
    Chapter 1)

  • Demonstrative pronoun: celle-ci (line 119) (see Chapter 14)

104 French Grammar in Context

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