French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
d Adverbs themselves are invariable and never agree in gender or in number.
e The comparative of an adverb is formed by putting plusin front of it:
e.g. plus largement(line 43)
See Chapter 18 for more information on comparatives and superlatives.

a An adverb is placed before the adjective which it modifies:
e.g. extrêmement difficiles(lines 38–9)
b An adverb follows immediately after a verb in a simple tense:
e.g. il se rend régulièrement(lines 6–7), s’occupe pratiquement(lines 21–2)
c In English an adverb may be placed between subject and verb, but in French the adverb may
NOT be placed in this position:
e.g. He regularly goes Il se rend régulièrement
d When the verb is in a compound tense, some common adverbs may be placed between the
auxiliary verb and the past participle:
e.g. il a également ouvert(line 8)
la situation a néanmoins commencé(lines 49–50)
For exceptions, see Discover more about adverbs and adverbial phrases, below.
e Short, common adverbs usually precede an infinitive:
e.g. pourra enfin parvenir(line 68)
For exceptions, see Discover more about adverbs and adverbial phrases below.
Longer adverbs follow an infinitive:
e.g. accéder directement à l’ordre professionnel(lines 62–3)
f Adverbial phrases of time are often placed at the beginning of a phrase or sentence:
e.g. Au préalable l’avocat Strauss. .. (line 9)
Sentence-linking adverbs, e.g. ainsi(line 64), begin a phrase or sentence.
g Adverbial phrases of manner follow the verb:
e.g. détaille-t-il avec fatalité(line 28)

Other points to note in the text

  • Devoir, pouvoir:avant de pouvoir s’inscrire(lines 15–16);doivent prendre en compte(line 26);
    devrait permettre aux avocats(lines 59–60);on pourra enfin parvenir(lines 67–8) (see Chapter 24)

  • Passive: a été contraint(line 10); sont soumis(line 35); a été entérinée(line 57) (see Chapter 21)

  • Pronominal verbs: se rend(line 6); s’inscrire(line 16); se pose(line 18); s’occupe(line 21) (see
    Chapter 20)

  • Perfect infinitive: après avoir obtenu(line 5); perfect participle: ayant effectué(line 60) (see
    Chapter 22)

  • Word order: constate l’intéressé(line 20); détaille-t-il avec fatalité(line 28); auxquels sont soumis
    tous les candidats(line 35); précise A.M. Strauss(lines 37–8); fait remarquer Carlo Finochietti
    (lines 45–6); se souvient C.F. (lines 51–2); prédit A.M. Strauss(lines 66–7) (see Chapter 30)

110 French Grammar in Context

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