French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
1 -it
dire > dit
écrire > écrit
faire > fait

2 -is
asseoir > assis
mettre > mis
prendre > pris
acquérir > acquis

3 -i
rire > ri
suivre > suivi
suffire > suffi
nuire > nui

4 -u
-voir avoir > eu
recevoir > reçu
devoir > dû
pleuvoir > plu
pouvoir > pu
savoir > su
voir > vu

-loir falloir > fallu
valoir > valu
vouloir > voulu

-re boire > bu
plaire >plu
connaître > connu
paraître > paru
lire > lu
vivre > vécu

-ir courir > couru
tenir > tenu
venir > venu
vêtir >vêtu

5 -rt
couvrir > couvert
offrir > offert
ouvrir > ouvert
mourir > mort

6 [irregular]
être > été
naître > né
clore > clos
résoudre > résolu

b In formal French, a distinction is made between the past historic, which places a completed
action squarely in the past, and the passé composé, which links up with the speaker’s present,
either because the events narrated were completed in the recent past, or because the
repercussions of the events are still felt (see Chapter 5).

a There are a number of irregular past participles, falling into six types.

You should also note that the past participle of a verb ending in -uireends in -uit, e.g. conduire
> conduit; construire > construit, and the past participle of a verb ending in -indreends in –int,
e.g. craindre > craint; joindre > joint; plaindre > plaint.

b In addition to reflexive verbs, all of which form their passé composénot with avoir, but with
être, there are 13 verbs known as ‘être’ verbs, i.e., aller, arriver, entrer, monter, naître, retourner,
tomber, venir, partir, sortir, descendre, mourir, rester,plus their compounds: rentrer, revenir,
devenir, advenir, survenir, ressortir,etc.

8 French Grammar in Context

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