Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1

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Raspberries bloom from spring to late

summer, as berries form continually on
the thorny brambles. Indian names are
Oo na joo kwa (Mohawk), Miskominaga
wunj (Ojibwe). Rubus strigosus.and
Rubus ideaus are botannical names.
Strigosus is the original native wild
raspberry. Rubus ideaus is another
common wild species found in meadows.

Rubus occidentalis, a wild black raspberry, is usually called blackberry. Raspberry leaf teas

have long been known as a medicine for pregnant women. The leaf tea is also suposed to
increase fertility for couples having difficulty conceiving. A danger for teas of all these berry
leaves is that when the leaf is wilted but not fully dried, a poison temporarily develops
(livestock can get sick eating wilted leaves, too). Pick leaves when the plants are flowering and
either use at once, fresh, for teas, or dry them fully for 2 weeks in shade. Use 1 - 2 teaspoons
of crushed dried leaf, or 1 tablespoon of bruised fresh leaf per cup of boiling water (steep for
15 minutes, drink cool or srain and reheat). Dilute raspberry leaf tea 50% if using to treat
infant diarrhea. The tea is slightly rose-scented, but astringent, because of tannins in the leaf.

Native women's use of raspberry teas as an aid to pregnant women was first confirmed by a

medical study that appeared in 1941 in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet. A
complex biochemical thar relaxes the uterus has been found. Raspberry preparations have a
history in Europe as well as the U.S. in treating for morning sickness, uterine irritability,
threatened miscarriage, and as a birth assistant. In western medicine, it's been widely
recommended as a uterine relaxant for over half a century, with no reports in the medical
literature of bad effects. Recent studies also show it tends to reduce blood sugar (glucose) and
may be helpful to diabetics.

l AGIS phytochemical analysis for raspberry fruit, leaf, and whole plant. Does not

Raspberry (1 of 2) [5/17/2004 11:51:16 AM]

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