Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
Heat maple syrup to boiling and pour into bottom of buttered baking dish. Cream
shortening, add sugar, cream together until fluffy. Sift flour, baking powder, salt,
and add alternately with milk in small amounts beating well. Pour batter into hot
syrup and bake in hot (420°) oven for 25 minutes, turn upside-down onto serving
plate, garnish with chopped nuts, whipped cream. Or serve like a puddling in bowls
with nuts and plain cream to pour on it.

--Frybread--Tasty Symbol of all-Indian unity

--Native cookbooks --Nutrition info, cookbooks for kids

--Wild rice recipes --Maple sugar/syrup recipes

--Corn, hominy, cornmeal -- Beans and Greens

--Squash, pumpkin --Deermeat, Meat

--Fish, birds --Fruit and Berries

--Herbal Teas, Culinary

--Xocoatl (Chocolate), Aztecs
(and south) YUM!

Copyright 1995, Paula Giese

Last Updated: 6/6/97

Native Foods -- Recipes--Maple sugar (3 of 3) [5/17/2004 11:52:07 AM]

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