Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
amd chopped or 1 4 oz can
1 - 3 fresh or canned jalapeños, peeled, seeded, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, chopped
1 -2 peeled, seeded, chopped tomatoes (about 1 cup)
2 - 3 lb boneless pork roast
2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 cup choppeed fresh cilantro
Salt to taste
Rinse posole in cold water until water runs clear. Soak for several hours or overnight in
cold water. Place posole with water to cover in large heavy covered pot or Dutch oven.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and summer, covered, till posole pops, about 1 hour.
Roasat the peppers (if fresh) in a paper bag in a 400° oven for about 10 minutes , remove,
cool, peel (skin slips off easily). If using canned posole (about 8 cups) or frozen (3 lbs), omit
the cooking step. Add everything but the herbs and salt. Simmer, covered, 4 hours. (3 if
using canned or frozen hominy). Remove meat, shred, return to pot, add herbs. Taste for
seasoning, add salt to taste. Simmer, covered, 1 more hour.
This recipe is from Marilyn Yazzie, Navajo, Tsenjikini (honeycombed rock) mother's clan,
Tachiinnii (Red runs into the water) Father's clan. She favors using only fresh chiles, and
likes it hot. She uses lean pork and no salt, for health reasons. If you're not so sure about
fiery southwestern foods, use only 1 jalapeno, or use only mild green chiles, no jalapenos.
This and many others can be found in Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking
(see main RECIPES page, cookbooks section).
Because we don't have the taste for such hot foods up north here as they do in the
southwest, when I make this posole I omit the jalapenos entirely, and added the cilantro to
Marilyn's recipe. I cook up a bowl of hotter sauce for those who like it, and serve a (small)
bowl of chopped jalapenos on the side for the real cast-iron gullets among us. I probably
never will make the 2-day posole on the IHS server (seems kind of like you either have to
live on a rach or in a sururban house with a backyard barbeque), but I've made Marilyn's
many times, once 10 times the amount (in 4 pots) for a large crowd.

Posole Soup -- Serves 12

6 lbs pigs' feet cracked or cut
3 TBS fresh organo leaves,or 3 tsp dried
2 large onions sliced
6 bay leaves
2 heads garlic cut in half
3 tsp black pepper
10 whole mild red chiles
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp salt
5 gallons water
1 head garlic

Native Foods -- Recipes--Corn (3 of 9) [5/17/2004 11:52:07 AM]

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