Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. Put all the oil in a high-sided pan and heat almost smoking hot. Refry the sauce over
    medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Don't let it get too thick, add more
    water or stock if necessary. Strain sauce through a seive. Serve warm, not hot, over
    chicken or (especially) turkey.
    --Recipe adapted from Mark Miller's Coyote Cafe Cookbook of 1989 (he brings one out
    every year during Santa Fe Indian Days festival).

--Frybread--Tasty Symbol of all-Indian unity

--Native cookbooks --Nutrition info, cookbooks for kids

--Wild rice recipes --Maple sugar/syrup recipes

--Corn, hominy, cornmeal -- Beans and Greens

--Squash, pumpkin --Deermeat, Meat

--Fish, birds --Fruit and Berries

--Herbal Teas, Culinary

--Xocoatl (Chocolate), Aztecs
(and south) YUM!

Copyright 1995, 1996 Paula Giese

Last Updated: Sunday, February 18, 1996 - 5:02:52 PM

Native Foods -- Recipes-- Chocolate (3 of 3) [5/17/2004 11:52:11 AM]

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