Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
Many plant images, maintained by Southwest School of Botannical Medecine
(Michael Moore). Major plant photos, engravings, drawings imagebase
gateway. More than a thousand quality plant pix accessible by botanic,
common name and (some) by Spanish-name indexes.


University of.Wisconsin (Madison) botany gopher--Here's where the majority
of my plant pix come from. There's a couple years of botany classwork ID
pix, field trip, and most of all, extensive visual class lectures, organized by
habitats, by Dr. Virginia Kline (of the Madison Arboretum). Fantastic
botannical pix resource for the Great Lakes region. Dr. Kline visited and
photographed prairies, too. You could practically get yourself a degree in
botany just browsing these pix. They are IDed mostly by species name, but
sometimes by common names, so you need a book source to look up plant
names. To get the plant you're interested in, prepare to spend a lot of time
Web links to UW Botany Gopher provides somewhat more descriptions
of what the various UW gopher subdirectories hold in the wsay of


Dr. Kline's teaching collection of images Many subdirectories which
are named by environmentla areas where the wild plants imaged grow
-- from different types of forests to prairies to wetlands to beach areas.



Fungi image collection and info Gateway to collections by Tom Volk (La
Crosse botanist). contains lifecycle of morels, the most delicious mushroom in
the world.


Texas A&M U Botany Herbarium Image Listing--In a way this is a better
organized plant image gallery, but the organization is for professionals. You
need to know the family, not just the genus-species botannical name of the
plant whose pic you're seeking here. You can browse this listing and perhaps
spot its botannical name out of the hundreds grouped by the big families.
Elsewhere on this TAMU herbarium site are access to threatened plants info,
a huge technical plant info database (all text), and some Texas plant info that
includes regional maps of their ranges.


Hopkins Technology, Multimedia Publishers:Herbalist CDROM, PC, Mac
--Over 100 plants, pix, multimedia. By British herbal physician and Dr. Jim
Duke of USDA. Check table of contents, sample definitions, reviews, even
order it ($49.95). But you can get it $15 cheaper from Edutainment's on-line
CDROM general catalog. Jump right into their nifty Herbalist page.


Books on-line from US Government via Hopkins Technology--Well,
pamphlets, really on health and nutrition written at a level most kids will


Botany Related URLs: All Links--a 196K page, takes some time to load, but
then there's a menu for visiting links. For serious plant research, using all
available InterNet botany sites. Download this page, load it locally (with
OPEN FILE) and do your InterNet plant sites searching that way.


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