Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Making a front cross cable will be easy now that you have done the back cross
cable. The only difference is that for this cable, you hold the stitches on the cable
needle to the front of your work. You need to cast on 16 stitches, as before.

1 Row 1 (RS): P5, k6, p5.

2 Row 2 (WS): K5, p6, k5.

More Complicated Stitch Patterns: Bobbles, Knots, and Cables
chapter 8

3 Row 3 (cable row): P5, slip the next 3 stitches to a cable needle as if to purl
and hold at front of work (a). Knit the next 3 stitches from the left needle.
Now use the right needle to knit the 3 stitches from the cable needle, starting
with the first stitch that was slipped onto the needle (b), p5.

4 Row 4: Repeat row 2.

5 Repeat rows 1–4 for front cross, or left, cable.

Simple Front Cross Cable




I have noticed that there are different sizes and
types of cable needles. Which one should I chose?
In terms of size, you should always use a cable needle
that is slightly smaller in diameter than your working
knitting needle. If you use one that is too thick, you will
stretch out your stitches. The type of cable needle you
choose depends entirely on your preference. A lot of
knitters choose one that looks like a tiny double-pointed
needle because it’s easier to knit directly from it. Others
prefer a hook-shaped cable needle because the stitches
don’t fall off it very easily, and it hangs down out of the
way when knitting the other stitches. Borrow the various
types from knitting friends and try them out so that you
can find the style that suits you best.
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