Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

1 Using the desired ribbing pattern, work as many rows as you want the first
stripe to be, ending with a wrong side row.

2 At the beginning of the next row, drop the old yarn and knit all stitches in the
new color. (If you work this color change row in the ribbing pattern, the color
break will not look tidy.)

Color Knitting
chapter 10

This striped ribbing illustrates the result of working the color change row in
the rib pattern. Little nubs of the old color appear along the color break, pro-
ducing an uneven line.

How to Make Horizontal Stripes in Ribbing

I am making a striped hat in the round. Every time
I change colors, I get a little stair step of color at
the beginning of the round, so the striping is not
seamless. Is there anything I can do about this?
Yes. Here’s what you do to significantly reduce the stair
step effect:

  1. When you’re about to begin the round in the new
    color, pick up the stitch in the round below and put
    it onto the left needle.

  2. Knit the first stitch in the new color and the
    picked-up stitch together as one. The picked up
    stitch conceals the uneven step.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 at each color change.

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