There are numerous ways to sew seams.
Some seams are best for shoulders, while
others are preferable for vertical seams or
certain stitch patterns. Taking time and
care when sewing blocked pieces
together is well worth the effort.
You should sew seams with a tapestry
needle and the main color yarn used to
knit the project. When knitting with nov-
elty yarns, you should sew seams with a
matching plied yarn that calls for the
same care instructions as the main yarn.
This seam is an excellent choice for bound-off
shoulder seams. It is used to join a horizontal
edge to another horizontal edge. When it is done
correctly, the join appears seamless.
1 Thread a tapestry needle with a long enough
strand of yarn to sew the seam and leave a
6 -inchtail.
2 With right sides up, line up the bound-off
edges exactly. Insert the needle from back to
front through the middle of the first stitch of
the lower piece, leaving a 6-inchtail.
3 Use the needle to pick up the two loops
(the V) of the corresponding stitch on the
upper piece. Pull the yarn through.
Invisible Horizontal Seam
Sew Seams.
4 Bring the needle across the seam to the next stitch on the lower piece
and use it to pick up the loops (the upside-down V), threading it through
all the way.
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 across the seam, pulling the yarn lightly—but not too
tightly, or it will pucker—every couple stitches to neaten it.
6 Weave in the loose ends.
Note:A contrast color yarn was used here to sew the seam for illustrative purposes. Be sure to sew
your seams with the yarn used to knit the pieces for your seams.