Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

3 Find the horizontal bar of yarn between the
first and second stitches. Insert the needle
under that horizontal bar, between the first
and second stitches, 1 stitch up from the
joining stitch, on the right piece. Pull the yarn

4 Insert the needle under the horizontal bar
between the first and second stitches, 1 stitch
up from the joining stitch, on the left piece.
Pull the yarn through.


Seams (continued)

5 Insert the needle under the next horizontal bar up on the right side and
then under the corresponding bar on the left side. Continue in this manner,
alternating from side to side, to the end of the seam.

6 Weave in the loose ends.

Note:A contrast color yarn was used here to sew the seam for illustrative purposes. Be sure to sew
your seams with the yarn used to knit the pieces for your seams.

This seam works beautifully for sweater sides and underarm seams. It lays flat
and is invisible.

1 Thread a tapestry needle with a long enough strand of yarn to sew your
seam and leave a 6-inchtail.

2 With the right sides up, line up the vertical edges exactly. Sew 1 stitch at the
base of the seam to join the pieces: Insert the needle from back to front
through the space between the first and second stitches on the lower-right
corner of the left piece, pulling yarn through until only about 6 inches
remains; insert the needle from front to back between the first and second
stitches in the lower-left corner of the right piece; bring the needle back
through the same spot on the left piece again. Pull the yarn through snugly.
Now you are ready to work the invisible vertical seam.

Invisible Vertical Seam

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