Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

6 Insert the tapestry needle into the next stitch on the lower needle as if to purl. Leave
the stitch on the needle.

Finishing Techniques
chapter 11

7 Insert the tapestry needle into the first
stitch on the upper needle again, this time
as if to purl (a); then slip this stitch off the
needle (b).

a b

8 Insert the tapestry needle into the next stitch on the upper needle as if to knit. Leave
the stitch on the needle.

9 Repeat steps 5–8 until all the stitches have been completed. Remember: On the lower
needle, the first insertion is as if to purl, the second insertion is as if to knit, and then
the stitch comes off; on the upper needle, the first insertion is as if to knit, the second
insertion is as if to purl, and then the stitch comes off.
Note:A contrast color yarn was used here to sew the seam for illustrative purposes. Be sure to sew your seams
with the yarn used to knit the pieces for your seams.

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